About Us
The Kentucky Restaurant Rescue Coalition was formed by chefs, independent restaurant owners, and bar owners across the state of Kentucky who have built a grassroots movement to secure protections of rights for the state’s more than 7,000 dining establishments and over 200,000 workers in the hospitality industry who are suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our nation’s 500,000 local, independent restaurants anchor our communities, drive domestic and international tourism, and invigorate development in every corner of the U.S. We directly employ over 11 million people across the country, and indirectly support 5 million more workers up and down the supply chain. We support growers, packers, fishermen, vintners, butchers, bakers, and millions of other small businesses that depend on our restaurants and bars. Individually we are small but our collective impact is immense: as an industry, restaurants annually contribute $760 billion sales to the economy.
Without support, our industry is going to collapse, leaving millions of workers on unemployment, and many owners encumbered with debt and lost dreams.
We need your help and support.